Is your restaurant or pub in need of a gorgeous, stylish new website? It is all too common to feel like your site is stuck in the dark ages, and in need of a revamp to bring your online presence up to scratch. Below we have outlined some hints and tips for restaurant and pub web design to help you to get the most from your website:
Start thinking like your audience
The best place to start when thinking of the design for your website it to start thinking as if you were in the shoes of your target audience. What will they be looking for from your site? What information will they need to see? What features will they benefit from? What images should your website feature?
Include your menu
The food menu is a vital piece of information for any restaurant and your customers will want to be able to view it on your website to get an idea of which dishes they want to order and how much they cost. The most user friendly way of doing this is to have your menu integrated into the design of your website. When given its own page customers will be able to easily find it on your site and browse through quite easily finding all the information they require. Some restaurants simply upload a PDF file of the menu, but we don’t generally recommend this.
Contact Page
It is imperative that your website contains the contact details of your pub or restaurant along with opening hours and location with a Google map where possible. This is all important information that your customers will need to know.
Online Booking Form / system
Most restaurants find it far quicker and easier for both themselves and their clientele if their customers are able to book a table online. The process for this feature should be kept quick and simple and only take them a few clicks to complete. We can either integrate third-party booking systems or affordably build your own booking solution.
Love it or loathe it, we live in an age where businesses can quite literally live and die by their reviews. Make it easy for customers to review you by joining respected review websites such as TripAdviser, Google and social media, such as Facebook.
Photos, photos, photos!
Taking professional photos (or having professional photos taken) of all the dishes on your menu will really sell your food – and restaurant – in the best possible light. Remember, people eat with their eyes.
Use social media
If you have social media platforms and your customers go to the effort to follow or like your profiles, the very least you can do is keep your profiles updated on a daily basis. Post photos of dishes, special offers, events and general restaurant pictures so your potential customers can get a feel for your restaurant or pub.
The key to good restaurant and pub web design is to keep your site engaging for your audience which will help encourage them to want to visit your pub or restaurant and also keep them coming back to your website again and again. So if you feel that your restaurant or pub is in need of a new or updated website then please contact us today on 020 3637 4885. If you prefer, you can get in touch via our contact form here!