Social media makes it easier than ever before to get your business out into the world. But if you’re just starting out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you might feel a little daunted, and searching for advice online can lead to a wormhole that it’s hard to get out of. This blog post will break down five best practices for starting out on social media.
Set up the right platforms
A crucial part of your social media presence is knowing which platforms are right for you. You don’t necessarily need to be on every social media platform—but be sure that those you do use are important to your audience. Asking customers which platforms they use is a good way of testing the water.
Find your target audience
Determining your target audience allows you to speak directly to them on social media. If you’re a restaurant, it may be people who live in your town, or foodies with disposable income. As long as you know who these people are, you can tailor your social media messaging to resonate with them.
Be consistent
As with many things in life, consistency is key when it comes to social media. If you start posting three times a week, your audience will expect you to continue doing so. Allowing your schedule to drop off a cliff can be detrimental to your following, and your business. Consistency will help you develop a presence as well as making it easier for people to find you.
Work smarter, not harder
Don’t fall into the trap of spending hours each day trying to get attention on social media. Spend 20 minutes a day working on your presence and you’ll be surprised by how many people take notice of your brand, product or service.
Build relationships
Whether you’re a small business or a one-person operation, building relationships with others on social media is key to your online success. Although some brands choose to simply push out messages, creating a dynamic relationship with your followers is far more beneficial and compelling. Try posting interesting information in your feed that will be worth sharing, remembering that reciprocity goes a long way.